That Synergy – The Retreat Show only launched in 2022 is surprising, to say the least, for increasing demand for wellness journeys has marked the past decade in luxury travel, and the pandemic only enhanced this trend. At Synergy’s latest showcase in Bali, all eyes were on leading practitioners and their manifold ways of helping travellers heal, build resilience and find purpose. We went in for a (cold) plunge.
‘Travelling has always provided relief for me’, said Laura Montesanti, founder of Synergy – The Retreat Show during the showcase’s most recent edition, which this year took place in the tranquil haven of REVĪVŌ in Bali. ‘I believe in a destination’s energy for renewal and Asia has always called me when I wanted to go deep’, she added.
Going deep is what we did with Ice Woman, the powerhouse that is Laura Hof (yes, daughter of the renowned Wim Hof), as she led our group through a breathing session, getting us to dive deep into the layers of our nervous system. We alternated extreme activation and extreme relaxation, which, we were told, activates enormous health benefits, not least a reduction of inflammatory markers. We felt a strong internal sensation, a tingling from head to toe as if we could feel tiny bubbles of oxygenated blood coursing through our system. We also felt quite trippy – as though some kind of visceral supernova was connecting us to the source of life itself. Better than any alcoholic high. ‘You get high on your own supply’, she laughed.
Laura Hof is just one of a dozen or so master practitioners who join this wellness gathering each year. On our way back from a cool-off in REVĪVŌ’s icy plunge pool we stopped in our tracks when we entered an orchid-clad courtyard. Per van Spall, a Master in Qigong healing, was in full action, in what looked like spell extraction over a group of supine bodies splayed in a crescent around him. Per credits his knowledge of the traditional, tai chi-related practice to his grandmother, who ensured his Western upbringing contained a touch of Eastern-inspired spiritualism. Having pursued a corporate career, he discovered he had inherited what he believed to be a psychic ability from her, which led him to pursue certification as a Master in the ancient, Chinese practice. Now, he excels in teaching people how to tap into their spiritualism, whatever their background, and as a Bali local, collaborates with the local spiritual community to offer guidance and support during retreats.
We also booked a place with Brett Shuttleworth, whose HoJo session was so immersive, that it felt like some kind of superhighway shortcut through a tsunami of mental negativity to access purpose and truth. HoJo is a form of Japanese martial arts sword-fighting, practised using hand-crafted wooden swords. It was devised by monks in Japan to protect their monasteries, harness their full potential, and develop an ability to break through the mind’s restrictions, unleash core power, and harness the ability to concentrate. ‘The HoJo practice shatters barriers of limitation in a fully supported manner’, explained Brett, ‘and creates some kind of quantum leap into a new state of being which will, in turn, unlock miracles’. He must have eyes in the back of his head, as he spotted anyone and anything out of sync. ‘Remain conscious’, he bellowed with the decibels and authority of a sergeant major. We instantly wanted to sign up for his next retreat.
Meanwhile, Max Ball from Health.Travel said retreats addressing burnout and mental health have been on the rise throughout 2024, and predicted 2025 will see a further increase in demand for both prevention and recovery. ‘Mental Health is where we see the most interest in terms of search volume, but currently, there is a fairly limited supply, so I expect to see more popping up throughout the new year’.
Perhaps the most memorable session at Synergy – The Retreat Show was one led by Christopher Robbins, the founder of Soul Degree, which focuses on transforming men’s lives through wilderness-based retreats and coaching. ‘If you’re in your brain, you’re stuck behind enemy lines’, he said. Drawing from personal challenges and his expertise in meditation, yoga, and breathwork, Chris empowers men to live with purpose. He also embraces the full gamut of emotions – and didn’t shy from crying on stage, surely the most permissive and synergising moment of the week.
‘In today’s fast-paced and complex world, men face unique challenges that are frequently under-discussed and inadequately addressed. Men are still confronted by social norms that equate vulnerability with weakness. This leads to silent suffering that can manifest in stress, anxiety, burnout, and a profound sense of disconnection’, said Chris.
Despite these pressures, many men are reluctant to engage in self-care practices that could provide relief. The need for retreats specifically tailored to men has never been more critical – in a supportive space where they can step away from their external responsibilities and focus on their inner lives.
And from what we understand, all men, including trans men, are welcome: ‘Members of the LGBTQ+ community have taken part in my online courses and I welcome participation in all my programs. Humans, one and all, need to feel seen and heard’, explained Chris. Such retreats offer an opportunity to explore and express emotions, connect with others, and engage in practices that promote growth, healing, and transformation. Chris’ workshop gave a glimpse of what it’s like to be on a men’s retreat: an environment that encourages openness and awareness, fosters connection, and empowers men to live more authentic lives – ‘which is really the whole point of Synergy’, said Laura.
For us, Synergy – The Retreat Show 2024 was an immersive week exploring myriad wellness concepts. Listening, learning, acknowledging, and expressing thoughts trapped ‘behind enemy lines’ was both liberating and connecting. Like the recent upsurge of laughter yoga, we think it’s a healthy contagion that’s well worth spreading. On that note, we’re already looking forward to the show’s next edition, set to take place at Sardinia’s Is Molas Resort from 7-10 October 2025.
Photography courtesy of Synergy – The Retreat Show